Doha is an arabian city with modern infrastructure and aminities. fast developing. a lot of expats or expatriates hence mix culture and languages. peaceful country. has positives and negative sides compared to other neighbouring cities. climate varies and sometimes the harsh wind in summerseason is inhospitable.

to add a pun intended sentence ... special thing you may notice is the number of LandCruiser (The Land of Toyota LandCruiser),No. of Chicken consumed, Use of Tissue or paper towels.

Though less affected by recent economic downturn, business and people are cautious and concerned.

Geographical area is small and hence most people know each other, though there are lot of strangers.

People are sometimes bored of doing the same everyday nor visiting the same place everyday, needs or awaits more recreational and entertainment facility which is cost effectice.

Culture and Tradition is Valued especially the Citizens.

Doha has something to offer to everyone.

Wish you all the Best