My opinion differs from Maria – if I’ve understood what she says – I’m sure the following information is correct.
You can open a bank account in any bank and not necessarily the same bank in which your Company has an account unless the HR policies of your Company dictate otherwise. Your company will directly wire transfer your salary to that account. At the time of opening that bank account, the bank will ask you for a salary certificate from your company – stating that your salary will be transferred here – passport and RP copies. If you work on the rig (offshore) perhaps your Company might pay you cash USD/Euro/QR (again dictated by Company policy).
With savings accounts – you do not get a “Cheque” book facility. The gulf region has a lot of cash transactions.
All banks accounts insist on a minimum balance to be maintained. Min balance for current accounts are higher.
My opinion differs from Maria – if I’ve understood what she says – I’m sure the following information is correct.
You can open a bank account in any bank and not necessarily the same bank in which your Company has an account unless the HR policies of your Company dictate otherwise. Your company will directly wire transfer your salary to that account. At the time of opening that bank account, the bank will ask you for a salary certificate from your company – stating that your salary will be transferred here – passport and RP copies. If you work on the rig (offshore) perhaps your Company might pay you cash USD/Euro/QR (again dictated by Company policy).
With savings accounts – you do not get a “Cheque” book facility. The gulf region has a lot of cash transactions.
All banks accounts insist on a minimum balance to be maintained. Min balance for current accounts are higher.