This is spot on! we really had a good playing time before! when i had my son i was really stressed coz my mother in law always tells me that we have to look after him like a hawk, coz ull never know what things he might put in his mouth,or whatever, well yeah i can understand that when he was really still tiny but now that his a bit older, im trying to just let him play outside without me, and his really dong well, even around horses ( we have a yard here full of horses) he knows not to go near them,my husband was a bit worried with what im doing but evntually see the advantage....
His more independent now just like me when i was little....
This is spot on! we really had a good playing time before! when i had my son i was really stressed coz my mother in law always tells me that we have to look after him like a hawk, coz ull never know what things he might put in his mouth,or whatever, well yeah i can understand that when he was really still tiny but now that his a bit older, im trying to just let him play outside without me, and his really dong well, even around horses ( we have a yard here full of horses) he knows not to go near them,my husband was a bit worried with what im doing but evntually see the advantage....
His more independent now just like me when i was little....