One of my friends and his wife have HCV positive. My friend is an engineer and trying to get job in Saudi Arabia/Qatar in petroleum/petrochemical industry and want to move with family. Would he be rejected on the basis of HCV as positive ?

Apple said in one of the messages at forum:

"If you work under category written below, you need to pass all these test: HIV test, Chest X-ray(PTB) test, Hepatitis A, B, & C and others.
1. Medical
2. Para-medical
3. Food Handlers workers
4. Primary School Teachers
If your job doesn't belong to these category, you ONLY need to pass HIV test & Chest X-Ray(Pulmonary Tubedculosis) exam."

Dear Apple, please explain how correct/authentic is the above statement (is it official ?). If it is true, then my friend should not worry about HCV because he does not belong to any of above 4 categories. All members are requested to please comment because it is a little bit confusing. Apple! please give your private e-mail address.