* Ramadan is the 9th month of the Hijri Calinder.
* According to this calender, we are currently on the 27th of Sha'ban (8th month). The current Hijri date is 27/08/1430.
* A lunar month lasts 29 or 30 days, not less not more.
According to the above, if this lunar month lasts 29 days only, then Friday is the 1st day of Ramadan.
If this month lasts 30 days, then Saturday will be the 1st day of Ramadan.
Taraweeh prayers (special night prayers in Ramadan) would begin the night before the first day, whenever decided...
To predict when the Eid Festival begins, you use the same information mentioned above and count 29 to 30 days from the beginning of Ramadan. Eid holidays are 3 days, although the religious festival is the first day only.
* Ramadan is the 9th month of the Hijri Calinder.
* According to this calender, we are currently on the 27th of Sha'ban (8th month). The current Hijri date is 27/08/1430.
* A lunar month lasts 29 or 30 days, not less not more.
According to the above, if this lunar month lasts 29 days only, then Friday is the 1st day of Ramadan.
If this month lasts 30 days, then Saturday will be the 1st day of Ramadan.
Taraweeh prayers (special night prayers in Ramadan) would begin the night before the first day, whenever decided...
To predict when the Eid Festival begins, you use the same information mentioned above and count 29 to 30 days from the beginning of Ramadan. Eid holidays are 3 days, although the religious festival is the first day only.