I doubt there will be any real police that enforce any of the above offences. They talk but never do anything. I would love to see if anyone drives differently on Tuesday. In the US still only 70% of the population use seat belts. But it would of been smarter here due to all the road deaths to just make it simple and say everyone should be seatbelted! I don't think I will live long enough to see real laws enforced fairly across the board. Its costing the govt. tons on health care but they don't seem to care, I guess until you lose enough of close relatives!
I doubt there will be any real police that enforce any of the above offences. They talk but never do anything. I would love to see if anyone drives differently on Tuesday. In the US still only 70% of the population use seat belts. But it would of been smarter here due to all the road deaths to just make it simple and say everyone should be seatbelted! I don't think I will live long enough to see real laws enforced fairly across the board. Its costing the govt. tons on health care but they don't seem to care, I guess until you lose enough of close relatives!