Dear Friend

I Have Also Face the Same Experience in Qatar

1.) If Your Wife is Comming to Qatar on Family Visa RP.

2.) As Soon As She Gets Resident Permit in her Passport
Applly for Hamad Hospital Medical Health Card, Which is Costing 100 or Qr 200 Riyals Maximum for One Year Only People HAving Qatar RP Can Only Obtain that Card With in 7-10 Days Upon Applying. Free Delivery, Maternity in Hamad at May Cost You All Around Qr.500 Maximum Cost All Around & Rest Every Thing is Free.

3.) If Your Wife is Comming to Qatar on 6 Months Visit & You are Planning to Get her Delivery ( Maternity )you Have To Pay Around QR 4,000 For 1 Week & This Qr 4,000 Thousand Includes All the Bed, Medical & Baby Fees.

Its True 100% Which i Had Faced This Issue Before 04 Months & i Paid Qr:3,900 Some Thing.