Shifting your personal effects to Saudi Arabia can be done both overland, by sea or air, depending on how much you intend to ship.
Do note that your Residence Permit and Work Permit must be in place and you must be in the country in order to be able to clear your goods.
Most shipments I have done to Saudi Arabia have been stored in Doha for a few weeks, or sometimes the shipment have been exported in a name of a colleague in Saudi Arabia that already has the required documentation. (You would have to sweet talk them into this!)
See attached link for information regarding customs requirements in Saudi Arabia:
Shifting your personal effects to Saudi Arabia can be done both overland, by sea or air, depending on how much you intend to ship.
Do note that your Residence Permit and Work Permit must be in place and you must be in the country in order to be able to clear your goods.
Most shipments I have done to Saudi Arabia have been stored in Doha for a few weeks, or sometimes the shipment have been exported in a name of a colleague in Saudi Arabia that already has the required documentation. (You would have to sweet talk them into this!)
See attached link for information regarding customs requirements in Saudi Arabia:
Note that there's a list of items not allowed to be imported to Saudi Arabia.