Every individual car wash has its own hours.
Dont know of a bad handwash place, mechanical are all good except Muntazah petrol car wash.
they have not changed the washing pads in over a decade. Also the automated car advancer broke years ago and they never bothered to repair so you have to actually drive
through at a slow pace through the wash.
The staff they have at the end actually do the brunt of the work. teyseer mechanical excellent.
Every individual car wash has its own hours.
Dont know of a bad handwash place, mechanical are all good except Muntazah petrol car wash.
they have not changed the washing pads in over a decade. Also the automated car advancer broke years ago and they never bothered to repair so you have to actually drive
through at a slow pace through the wash.
The staff they have at the end actually do the brunt of the work. teyseer mechanical excellent.