Dear friends,

I have not yet myself played paintball, but I heard it is very exciting. I was asked by my friend to estimate number of people who would get an interest in joining us playing Paintball. The Club will be opened soon in Doha and we are looking for a company to involve more people and make the game more interesting. Our team will be given a solid discount. Will you joing us?
If your answer is yes, please answer few questions below and email on [email protected] to Elena and Tiny

Your name
Your age
Did you ever play Paintball?
Would you like to have chance to play it in Doha?
How many of your friends might join you in game?
What day of the week is most preferable for you?
Time? 08.00 – 12.00 _____
12.00 – 18.00 _____
18.00 – 22.00 _____
22.00 – 02.00 _____

What are other facilities you would like to have together with the Paintball Club?
Would you like us to invite you for a free or discounted trial? If yes, please be kind to give us your phone number or email address, so we can contact you.___________________________________________________________