I wonder if I ever said this on QL. I've been to the detention center at the capital police station once for 5 odd hours, back in 1999. Was way too proud of my new found youth and really short tempered then.
Was talking to my friend below his building late in the evening and my car was parked in such a way that it blocked another car from coming out. So this guy, a Tunisian, came down and wanted to take his car out. I moved my car few meters back to let him go, after that I put my car back in the place to where it was. This charlie probably didn't like it. He got out and told me to move my car from there. I told him there's no reason to do that, unless you want to park your car back in again. This lead to heavy arguments, followed by verbal abuses and almost into fist fight.
Apparently the guy has always been in and out of trouble (which I came to know much later) with the cops, so for a change he got a chance to be on the good side and called up the cops. I did my part too and reported to the traffic police of the incident. The traffic police told me not to bother about it and just go home, as they has better things to do than resolving such minor incidents. Little did I know that he had actually called up the capital police. When I was about to leave, he said to wait as the cops were on the way, I was pretty sure they won't come so I told him to take down my number plate and ask them to call me.
Next day in the office, I get a call from capital police and they asked me to come over as a complaint had been lodged against me. I went there and after 3-4 hours of questioning, they asked me hand over my stuff and then put me into a cell at the back, the dentention center. Apparently, the rule is if you are reported against, then its automatically its your fault unless proven otherwise. So if there is any problem, it is always wise to report first.
Anyhow, one good thing I did before handing over my wallet and cellphone, was to call a Sheikh friend of mine. Thru his wasta, he got hold of number of the complainant in matter of few hours and just told him to drop the case. The Tunisian guy didn't agree to it. Eventually, my friend said fine if you don't do that, do not blame me for whatever happens to you.
Rest is history, he got terrified and rushed to the police station and dropped the case. My friend and I were out by evening.
I know it wasn't right, but then I guess that was the only way to solve the issue. Else I'd be rotting in the detention center for next 3 months until the case was solved by the court, which could have led to possible deportation from Doha, not to forget the humiliation.
----------------------------------------- 2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
----------------------------------------- www.e4u.name.qa
I wonder if I ever said this on QL. I've been to the detention center at the capital police station once for 5 odd hours, back in 1999. Was way too proud of my new found youth and really short tempered then.
Was talking to my friend below his building late in the evening and my car was parked in such a way that it blocked another car from coming out. So this guy, a Tunisian, came down and wanted to take his car out. I moved my car few meters back to let him go, after that I put my car back in the place to where it was. This charlie probably didn't like it. He got out and told me to move my car from there. I told him there's no reason to do that, unless you want to park your car back in again. This lead to heavy arguments, followed by verbal abuses and almost into fist fight.
Apparently the guy has always been in and out of trouble (which I came to know much later) with the cops, so for a change he got a chance to be on the good side and called up the cops. I did my part too and reported to the traffic police of the incident. The traffic police told me not to bother about it and just go home, as they has better things to do than resolving such minor incidents. Little did I know that he had actually called up the capital police. When I was about to leave, he said to wait as the cops were on the way, I was pretty sure they won't come so I told him to take down my number plate and ask them to call me.
Next day in the office, I get a call from capital police and they asked me to come over as a complaint had been lodged against me. I went there and after 3-4 hours of questioning, they asked me hand over my stuff and then put me into a cell at the back, the dentention center. Apparently, the rule is if you are reported against, then its automatically its your fault unless proven otherwise. So if there is any problem, it is always wise to report first.
Anyhow, one good thing I did before handing over my wallet and cellphone, was to call a Sheikh friend of mine. Thru his wasta, he got hold of number of the complainant in matter of few hours and just told him to drop the case. The Tunisian guy didn't agree to it. Eventually, my friend said fine if you don't do that, do not blame me for whatever happens to you.
Rest is history, he got terrified and rushed to the police station and dropped the case. My friend and I were out by evening.
I know it wasn't right, but then I guess that was the only way to solve the issue. Else I'd be rotting in the detention center for next 3 months until the case was solved by the court, which could have led to possible deportation from Doha, not to forget the humiliation.
2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!