I would have agreed with you on this say a year back or so. Had seen this video called Loose Change and was entirely convinced that conspiracy theories were actually correct.
Then I came across a website that seriously bombarded and proved those claims as false. I was trying to look up for that particular website but could find it on google. However, I came across this page right now that should serve as a starter for you to realize the truth.
Trust me, I am not an easy person to convince otherwise if I have made up my mind on something, but the truth actually is what was shown on the television channels live on 9/11.
No matter how bad a person or a government could be, it is really hard to imagine that someone would actually try to destroy their own country's economy for personal benefits. Moreover, such a high level of planning does not involve a single person for sure. Therefore, if there was any truth in those conspiracy theories, it would have come out in the open by now and not remained as 'theories' seven years down the line.
----------------------------------------- 2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
----------------------------------------- www.e4u.name.qa
I would have agreed with you on this say a year back or so. Had seen this video called Loose Change and was entirely convinced that conspiracy theories were actually correct.
Then I came across a website that seriously bombarded and proved those claims as false. I was trying to look up for that particular website but could find it on google. However, I came across this page right now that should serve as a starter for you to realize the truth.
Trust me, I am not an easy person to convince otherwise if I have made up my mind on something, but the truth actually is what was shown on the television channels live on 9/11.
No matter how bad a person or a government could be, it is really hard to imagine that someone would actually try to destroy their own country's economy for personal benefits. Moreover, such a high level of planning does not involve a single person for sure. Therefore, if there was any truth in those conspiracy theories, it would have come out in the open by now and not remained as 'theories' seven years down the line.
2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!