the new test for acceptance into Australia are as follows:
Must be able to mow the lawn on the downside of a hill wearing a pair of wet thongs, a blue bonds singlet and blue stubbie shorts, while drinking a stubbie of VB and smoking a winnie red and listening to the cricket. You must also b willing to change your name to Shane or Darrel (to which will be abb. to DAZZA)
Must be able to push a pram while 8 months pregnant and carring a 10 month old and smoking a long beach ultra mild, down to the pub to pick another case of VB and place bets at the TAB for hubby. Must also be willing to change name to Crystal or Sharon (which will be abb. to SHAZZA)
the new test for acceptance into Australia are as follows:
Must be able to mow the lawn on the downside of a hill wearing a pair of wet thongs, a blue bonds singlet and blue stubbie shorts, while drinking a stubbie of VB and smoking a winnie red and listening to the cricket. You must also b willing to change your name to Shane or Darrel (to which will be abb. to DAZZA)
Must be able to push a pram while 8 months pregnant and carring a 10 month old and smoking a long beach ultra mild, down to the pub to pick another case of VB and place bets at the TAB for hubby. Must also be willing to change name to Crystal or Sharon (which will be abb. to SHAZZA)