" If everyone was to Judge a country by what is said or written second hand without having first hand knowledge, then we would all beleive
All Americans-are fat and stupid
All Indians-are unhygenic and live in garbage tips
All Muslims-are extreme terroists hell bent on taking over the world
All Women from Scandinavian countries - Enjoy sex
just to name a few. To judge a country or person based on these princables is what is wrong with the world. Each country has its good and bad I do not claim that mine is a perfect country nor do I always agree with its politicans but, in my country that is my right and if you dont like what my country has to say or what my country beleives in then I ask you to please stay away." Mis-Cat
But leave people with this:
" If everyone was to Judge a country by what is said or written second hand without having first hand knowledge, then we would all beleive
All Americans-are fat and stupid
All Indians-are unhygenic and live in garbage tips
All Muslims-are extreme terroists hell bent on taking over the world
All Women from Scandinavian countries - Enjoy sex
just to name a few. To judge a country or person based on these princables is what is wrong with the world. Each country has its good and bad I do not claim that mine is a perfect country nor do I always agree with its politicans but, in my country that is my right and if you dont like what my country has to say or what my country beleives in then I ask you to please stay away." Mis-Cat