
Please do the following steps:

1) Remove the battery, check the ac adapter pin. Plug only ac adapter to the laptop and check if laptop powers on only on AC-Adapter.

2) If laptop powers on using only AC adapter-shut down the system, plug in the battery. Go-To the BIOS by using F2 key while the system startup and check if the Adapter is listed in the BIOS (It will be listed as 60W/90W or according to the model of the adapter).

3) If the adapter is not listed in the BIOS, you can try updating the BIOS by downloading the latest BIOS updates from www.support.dell.com. While updating the BIOS ensure that both battery and AC adapter are plugged-in.

4) If the problem persists, please replace the AC adapter. As it is 8 months old, it is under warranty.

Best of Luck!