Mrs, would you be so kind and find the approriate phrases from the Quran and quote them. I ask because I am interested to see if the holy books ban such things or, which is often the case, tell us what is right to do but do not say what is wrong. It is our interpretation of what is written, that if it says this is the right good way, all other ways are by definition are wrong and bad.
Why writing I have always found RAG to be extremely tolerant personality who tries to understand others and most importantly respects that others have the right to another opinion other than his.
Both you and I manage to discuss things without abuses simpley because understand the others right to an opinion, if you can discuss with me then you can shore discuss with RAG as he has a similar outlook on how he would like to ddiscuss things with people.
You anger never won an arguement, only good thoughtout points, well written and without anger or insults