I really appreciate the call to prayer that is broadcasted on 97.5 FM done by a male voice and the one done by a female voice in City Center.
In fact I have already memorized the English prayer after it on the radio broadcast.
Although I am a Christian I am also moved to pray to my God everytime I hear them.
I use it to remind myself to also pray everyday together with our Muslim brothers.
I hope we all use the call in order to pray together as Fr. Patrick Peyton says: "A world at prayer is a world at peace."
I really appreciate the call to prayer that is broadcasted on 97.5 FM done by a male voice and the one done by a female voice in City Center.
In fact I have already memorized the English prayer after it on the radio broadcast.
Although I am a Christian I am also moved to pray to my God everytime I hear them.
I use it to remind myself to also pray everyday together with our Muslim brothers.
I hope we all use the call in order to pray together as Fr. Patrick Peyton says: "A world at prayer is a world at peace."
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