According to the doctrines, paradise lies underneith the happyness of mothers love therefore it is imperative to direct you always to gain maximum extent of love from your mom by means of your good conduct, and best possible services, as well all possible meak and mild support for her due to the single reason none is bigger than your mom after God., and all divine scriptures certifies it beyond all doubts and educating human being to behaive with her all most possible patience in distress and maximize your politeness in every occassions.

Since Gods happiness lies in the happiness of mother, when mother hates you means defenitely it has inter-relationship with Gods hatred and anger is on you that first get reflected through mother due to certain reasons that you must analize yourself to discover and to repent for what you have done or to alter in what you have been doing in your life style, way of thinking, and behaivorism, and private matters of all concerned.

Otherwise, mom is a paradise of built in love for their children whatsoever.

Most dangerous hidden phenomenon is a man would never be successful his life until he find his mom happy with him coz of the same envisaged reason I have stated above.

Therefore, now u have an opprtunity directly to connect God who created, who provided you every blessings you are enjoying till now including eye sites, ask him to forgive you since and improve the situation and guide you to the right path also end the matters of all concerned in good. Good luck.