I think the only way to wake up the youth of Qatar is giving them a tour of the morque and all the young people that die for nothing here. I lost a daughter in a car accident but it was the car a Ford Explorer. The parents that suffer due to the ignorance of the youth. Plus, the govt. is responsible for not taking back the roads from these criminals. If we ever have a real police force that actually enforce the rules things will be different. Even now on a residential street behind our house they go up to 200 KM, its insane. Qatar should be totally embarrassed that they have the worlds highest amount of head fatalties in the world. Imagine 20 major traumas in 2 days at the emergency ward! Nothing will change if the we have no police doing a real job.
I think the only way to wake up the youth of Qatar is giving them a tour of the morque and all the young people that die for nothing here. I lost a daughter in a car accident but it was the car a Ford Explorer. The parents that suffer due to the ignorance of the youth. Plus, the govt. is responsible for not taking back the roads from these criminals. If we ever have a real police force that actually enforce the rules things will be different. Even now on a residential street behind our house they go up to 200 KM, its insane. Qatar should be totally embarrassed that they have the worlds highest amount of head fatalties in the world. Imagine 20 major traumas in 2 days at the emergency ward! Nothing will change if the we have no police doing a real job.