Nigel is getting back for what he wrote by 'mistake' about "western" supremacy or "racial" superiority. By the way a journalist should be more careful about mentioning nationalities, that too when he/she is claiming sympathy for being victim to a system that is common place here in Qatar for ages.This exit permit system applies to all and there would have been countless Asians who would have been affected like Nigel. Many would have complained too but none of them would have elicited a response like what NG's letter received.I guess all know the reason why.

A few months back an Asian (probably Indian)lost his baggage at the airport and wanted to report it to the desk. The security officer (maybe he was not in charge of that section)there shooed him away and asked him to wait. In another minute or so a westerner came there wanting to lodge a complaint about his lost baggage and the same security fellow was all over him trying to help him.After having done with the westerner he turned his attention to the Asian with little interest in what he was doing. Goes to show how a white skin appeals to people here little realising how people from the arab world are treated in the western world.

2 months back I travelled to US and had an easy time getting out of the immigration (I am Asian/colored), but an arab who accompanied my friend ( same nationality as mine) was grilled for 2 hours by 2 sections though he was such a lovable guy.In fact the interrogating authorities went to the extent asking my friend why did he want to accompany that Arab guy and could have avoided waiting for him for 2 hours.

Rules are rules irrespective of color/race.I hope people understand that and avoid having delusions that being western or white gives them all the freedom they want.