There are various F&B and Retailers etc in Villagio. If u need a part time job with any of them then you need to approach them individually. You an just go to the store and ask staff for openings if any. Some usually have a signage saying something like "If interested to work with us then call or send CV on xyz"
I very much doubt if going to Villagio Mall office will help. In case u still want to give it a try then their office is in Landmark Mall (first floor near food court) and thats where their HR is based. Actually Landmark and Villagio belongs to the same company.
There are various F&B and Retailers etc in Villagio. If u need a part time job with any of them then you need to approach them individually. You an just go to the store and ask staff for openings if any. Some usually have a signage saying something like "If interested to work with us then call or send CV on xyz"
I very much doubt if going to Villagio Mall office will help. In case u still want to give it a try then their office is in Landmark Mall (first floor near food court) and thats where their HR is based. Actually Landmark and Villagio belongs to the same company.
Hope this helps.
Good luck