You need get a VOIP Service provider to use together with NIMBUZZ software.

most VOIP service providers from north America and Europe are blocked in Qatar, but there is one exception which is

It's a FREE VOIP service specially for UAE or Qatar countries, they call it "SIP BroadBand Phone Service without Limits - Free SIP Broadband Phone Service for UAE & Qatar etc. countries", check web site for more details, their service combines the VPN auto unblocking technology and the SIP softswitch All-on-one system.

Basically, it's free to use their service to make extension to extension calls, or call to 1800 toll free numbers to USA/Canada/UK etc. , or even accept phone calls from PSTN Access numbers, very convenient and does working very well. Seems they are adding more and more features to the service, check it by yourself if interested to use it.