Call the KSA Police Dept. and you should go to your Embassy and complain (i don't know if that will help) but call the cops and get him into loads of trouble by saying things he didn't really do. Make some things up that he can and might do. Take some steps but don't go up saying he's trying to ra** me. So minor things. Hope I helped but if you don't thing this is safe, ignore what I just said.
Call the KSA Police Dept. and you should go to your Embassy and complain (i don't know if that will help) but call the cops and get him into loads of trouble by saying things he didn't really do. Make some things up that he can and might do. Take some steps but don't go up saying he's trying to ra** me. So minor things. Hope I helped but if you don't thing this is safe, ignore what I just said.