escalating rents are the major cause or concern. cars can be resold but rent once paid is lost. no matter how cleverly u spend the annual rent hikes mar ur efforts.
next in line are grocery prices which increase at regular intervals. my kitchen expenditure has almost doubled in the past few years!
so actually the percentage spent on luxuries is decreasing with necessities eating away ur income at a faster rate!
all of the above undermine the actual reason we are here: to save!
escalating rents are the major cause or concern. cars can be resold but rent once paid is lost. no matter how cleverly u spend the annual rent hikes mar ur efforts.
next in line are grocery prices which increase at regular intervals. my kitchen expenditure has almost doubled in the past few years!
so actually the percentage spent on luxuries is decreasing with necessities eating away ur income at a faster rate!
all of the above undermine the actual reason we are here: to save!