Yesterday I was driving in the rain, it was a bit spooky, some areas in Doha are not well lit, but enjoyable for a change!
As for what you said above about relatives marriage, with all due respect, you're right..:)) not only love keeps the marriage plans, sometimes the couple are forced into it.
I only pointed the couple's feelings, because in this case the cousins' marriage is based on their free will, despite a hereditary disease might get in the way.
Yesterday I was driving in the rain, it was a bit spooky, some areas in Doha are not well lit, but enjoyable for a change!
As for what you said above about relatives marriage, with all due respect, you're right..:)) not only love keeps the marriage plans, sometimes the couple are forced into it.
I only pointed the couple's feelings, because in this case the cousins' marriage is based on their free will, despite a hereditary disease might get in the way.