Yeah I know... was wondering what made you delay the return. Hope you're mum is doing fine.

Oh Shaan show was really nice apparently. Good review in the newspaper too.

I couldn't make it for it was birthday of a friend of mine. We went clubbing instead. KSA must be thanking his stars for temperatures to have dropped to 18 degrees only for that evening. Prior to which, it was hovering around 12-13. And guess what? We finished our own clubbing and after party by 5 in the morning and while getting back home it began raining and weather has been same since then. Can you imagine what would have happened had the floodgates opened 12 hours earlier? Someone's prayers certainly got answered! LOL

The turnout wasn't good, thats what he told me, pre-sales were affected by bad weather. But Shaan being a great performer that he is, it went really well, without any hitch too.

2500 QL Points!
Way to go Ray!!!