It is natural that Banks ask for Guarantors to minimize the risk in Lending. Few points are listed below FYI.
1) Normally, vehicle Loans are considered as high risky since they are movables.
2) Since your present employment history is more than 3 months, probably you are under a probation period and therefore, the risk in re-payment is more risky.
3) Banks may consider such a request for a confirmed employee with a sound re-payment capacity & satisfactory past record with the bank.
** In consideration of above, the chances are very low to satisfy your request by a Bank. However, there are lenders who take the high risk and charge you a high premium with charges.
Dear Brother,
It is natural that Banks ask for Guarantors to minimize the risk in Lending. Few points are listed below FYI.
1) Normally, vehicle Loans are considered as high risky since they are movables.
2) Since your present employment history is more than 3 months, probably you are under a probation period and therefore, the risk in re-payment is more risky.
3) Banks may consider such a request for a confirmed employee with a sound re-payment capacity & satisfactory past record with the bank.
** In consideration of above, the chances are very low to satisfy your request by a Bank. However, there are lenders who take the high risk and charge you a high premium with charges.