To all the moms out there
I visited Glow off Salwa road. The lady is Hillary . She is from Orlando,USA & is abbbbbbssoooolutley fantastic.

Her place is large , spacious & very relaxing. service is wonderful. I was soo happy with my hair cut ...looking for a good hairdresser & then going to one in a new place is like a big leap of faith......i paid a little more than I am used to , but i must say that it was worth it.

Her Contact : 6864221
Her place is 3-5 minutes from Decoration round about. The Merc-benz show room is on yr right hand side, after which is some construction work. In between the construction is a road (presently a dirt road) take that right & follow it straight down past some villas. Her villa has a large sign board at the top that says "Glow".

Hope that this helps anyone else looking for the same.