I think you haven't acquired yet the residence visa, what you got right now is basically the family visit visa which is issued before you acquire the residence visa. But you are correct you have to do the endorsement of medical for your wife, and also finger printing for her to aquire her residence visa; for your children, just have their application of medical stamped, and finger printing no need for the children.

Let us make ourselves clear. The one you have right now is the family visit visa which was issued July 2010 and Expires on October 2010 for 90 days or 3 months. That validity is for the visa itself and not on the visit.

When your family arrived here in Doha that is the start date of their visit, and that is the start date of their residency. Say for example, your family arrived within the validity period of the visa, say, September 20, 2010; once their residence visa is approved, it will be valid up to September 20, 2011.

Again, the 3 month (90 days) indicated validity in the visa is not validity of the visit, but the validity of the visa itself.