And I also remember when I was 13 years old my first date ever with a boy (normally we go as a group) my brother in-law (Australian) gave me two condoms and asked me to keep in my purse. I was shocked and so embarrashed (i dont even think about sex at the time i was just thiking the first holding hand, sit closed together but not sex). but he think differently and he make me listen to what he says " i dont want you go home pregnant in one month time or caugh any STD" and he make me go have a date and take the condoms and promise him to use it if really thing happening. now i am thinking if i live with my parent i dont think they let me go have a date at years of 13 and give me two condoms. they dont even want me to hangout with boys at all.

I see the difference of two cultures and i learned the best of the two.

Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand