Hansikka your apprehension underpins some substance as Hindus are not considered "People of the Book" in Islamic parlance unlike Christians or Jews who carry a common semitic heritage with Muslims. I think as Qatar is a part of Arabian peninsula, and there are no Arab Hindus this indifference happens. However there is no reason why there should not be a Hindu temple, especially if Buddhists have. I think there are already temples in Dubai and Oman, so Qatar may have one too.
Hansikka your apprehension underpins some substance as Hindus are not considered "People of the Book" in Islamic parlance unlike Christians or Jews who carry a common semitic heritage with Muslims. I think as Qatar is a part of Arabian peninsula, and there are no Arab Hindus this indifference happens. However there is no reason why there should not be a Hindu temple, especially if Buddhists have. I think there are already temples in Dubai and Oman, so Qatar may have one too.