Credit card is the coolest thing in the purse to keep! But you should be aware when using it. And if you didn't understand don't ever ever try to get one! Sorry Bankers, but it is one of the reason to get you poor! It is wise to have one but this is only for the least emergency to use. Or else, you are in trouble. And if this credit card was given for free because you deposited a big amount of money, or invested your money, Honey, don't expect the availability of your cash in case you need it. These credit card will put you at the end of using it. Take it from my experience, when i am about to withdraw my money i invested, i was not able to do so because i was told that it needs one month for clearing., after one month of waiting, i was told again that money can not withdrawn it should be 45 days. Imagine the situation that you need your money in emergency, you can never have your money at the time you needed it. But incase it's already there, and you will need the money you deposited, you better go earlier...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Credit card is the coolest thing in the purse to keep! But you should be aware when using it. And if you didn't understand don't ever ever try to get one! Sorry Bankers, but it is one of the reason to get you poor! It is wise to have one but this is only for the least emergency to use. Or else, you are in trouble. And if this credit card was given for free because you deposited a big amount of money, or invested your money, Honey, don't expect the availability of your cash in case you need it. These credit card will put you at the end of using it. Take it from my experience, when i am about to withdraw my money i invested, i was not able to do so because i was told that it needs one month for clearing., after one month of waiting, i was told again that money can not withdrawn it should be 45 days. Imagine the situation that you need your money in emergency, you can never have your money at the time you needed it. But incase it's already there, and you will need the money you deposited, you better go earlier...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."