Hai..,This PMP certification is general platform for who is persons involving in the projects.It is concept based program and has 5 process & 9 knowledge areas are there...But you are looking for Oil&gas related program.let me know which type of program do you need...You know if you have this Oil & Gas preparation program that you should undergo this industry, but if you have this PMP certification,you can lot of opportunities and even you can direct one movie also...So just think about the value of this PMP certification...for more details just give a call or e-mail to
974 66469308 [email protected]
Hai..,This PMP certification is general platform for who is persons involving in the projects.It is concept based program and has 5 process & 9 knowledge areas are there...But you are looking for Oil&gas related program.let me know which type of program do you need...You know if you have this Oil & Gas preparation program that you should undergo this industry, but if you have this PMP certification,you can lot of opportunities and even you can direct one movie also...So just think about the value of this PMP certification...for more details just give a call or e-mail to
974 66469308
[email protected]