Here's a little story from my Bahraini friend who lived in Dubai.


He was driving 100 on a main road and had this mercedes tailgate him.

He wasn't able to move because there cars to his right.


So he maintained his speed (the speed limit)

The guy flashed and honked, and before he had any chance to move, the guy actually started to bump his car! My friend swirved out of the way and immediately went to a nearby police station.


The police caught the Emiratee within an hour and was fined and charged.


On a side note, I think that the Dubai taxis are insane, the way that the line's don't seem to exist to them is funny :P



@NC, yes you are right ONLY in Qatar do we have idiot drivers. No where else in the world. You are the wisest of all humans. //ends sarcasm


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