Well Dumpy is very Right.Just keep an eye on Hamad Medical Website and apply as soon as Application for Next yr Residency will open.
Usa Clinical experience is Regarded very Well here so you have very Good chances. https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182113158474436
This Link is on Face book named Hamad Medical Corporation Residency Training Programs.There is Tons of Information about everything on HMC residency there.So if you use Facebook,join there.If you need any help,let me know.I got Selected this yr in HMC so i might Help you.Take care
Well Dumpy is very Right.Just keep an eye on Hamad Medical Website and apply as soon as Application for Next yr Residency will open.
Usa Clinical experience is Regarded very Well here so you have very Good chances.
This Link is on Face book named Hamad Medical Corporation Residency Training Programs.There is Tons of Information about everything on HMC residency there.So if you use Facebook,join there.If you need any help,let me know.I got Selected this yr in HMC so i might Help you.Take care