The easy way is to open an account in a local bank. Then you are to get wehicle loan or personal loan. You are to check which one is more profitable for you. Don't look the interest, but the total amount you are to pay back at the end of the day. Take into account that with vehicle loan you'll become legaly owner of the car after you have reimbursed the loan. Also before to go to the showroom you have to have a no-objection letter for your purchase from your company (your local sponsor). Good luck.
The easy way is to open an account in a local bank. Then you are to get wehicle loan or personal loan. You are to check which one is more profitable for you. Don't look the interest, but the total amount you are to pay back at the end of the day. Take into account that with vehicle loan you'll become legaly owner of the car after you have reimbursed the loan. Also before to go to the showroom you have to have a no-objection letter for your purchase from your company (your local sponsor). Good luck.