Also let others know that you are quiting smoking so that
people will avoid asking for your company, and more importantly
let your Family know that you have quite smoking so that they
can be ofbig support to you.
2. Necotein Cycle: You need to understand how necotein cycle
works. when you smoke the necotein reaches you lungs and get mixed in your blood and then reaches your heart through
arteries. once it reaches your heart it gets pumped upto your brain through blood and gives you feeling of relief. this happen within few few seconds. This cycle need to break right from nicotein supply to lungs. Hence this is why we say Smoking causes Lungs Cancer, It causes Atherosclerosis - thickening of blood and geting blocked by thrombus causing Heart Attacks, causing Paralysis due to blockage of the arteries in the brain.and many more diseases are mainly caused due to this culprit habbit.
*** Withdrawal Symptoms: Remember when you try to quite smoking you might face withdrawal effect of necotein withdrawal and it happens during few days when we stop smoking or try to quite smoking. Waning Off smoking does not help so dont try it ever. I mean we say that I will stop smoking gradually like 5 sticks a day then 3.... then 2.... then 1....and then zero.. Remember this never helps. So understand that what is withdrawal symtoms: Tremors in hands, weak feeling, Anger, Drowsiness, tiredness, dryness of mouth, lazy feeling, incomplete feeling,some times headach etc are symptoms which usually appear during
initial days of attempt to quit smoking. In this case Nicorette can help till certain extent.
Also let others know that you are quiting smoking so that
people will avoid asking for your company, and more importantly
let your Family know that you have quite smoking so that they
can be ofbig support to you.
2. Necotein Cycle: You need to understand how necotein cycle
works. when you smoke the necotein reaches you lungs and get mixed in your blood and then reaches your heart through
arteries. once it reaches your heart it gets pumped upto your brain through blood and gives you feeling of relief. this happen within few few seconds. This cycle need to break right from nicotein supply to lungs. Hence this is why we say Smoking causes Lungs Cancer, It causes Atherosclerosis - thickening of blood and geting blocked by thrombus causing Heart Attacks, causing Paralysis due to blockage of the arteries in the brain.and many more diseases are mainly caused due to this culprit habbit.
*** Withdrawal Symptoms: Remember when you try to quite smoking you might face withdrawal effect of necotein withdrawal and it happens during few days when we stop smoking or try to quite smoking. Waning Off smoking does not help so dont try it ever. I mean we say that I will stop smoking gradually like 5 sticks a day then 3.... then 2.... then 1....and then zero.. Remember this never helps. So understand that what is withdrawal symtoms: Tremors in hands, weak feeling, Anger, Drowsiness, tiredness, dryness of mouth, lazy feeling, incomplete feeling,some times headach etc are symptoms which usually appear during
initial days of attempt to quit smoking. In this case Nicorette can help till certain extent.