This is not the first time Prophet Mohammed (Peace be on Him) is abused. He is abused flagrantly almost everyday by Muslims and Non-Muslims. More episodes will yet to come, this isn’t the end of it.
I fervently hope that we, Muslims, will stand up with a solid, long term and educated plan to piece together our hand-made tarnished image and collect the remnants of dignity and civility, by putting ourselves out to the world in the best of fashion the East, West, North and South can taste, using a language all can understand........and that language would be humanity? The language endorsed and comprehended throughout the history of mankind, singed and sealed in all Holy Books and rational philosophies.
This is not the first time Prophet Mohammed (Peace be on Him) is abused. He is abused flagrantly almost everyday by Muslims and Non-Muslims. More episodes will yet to come, this isn’t the end of it.
I fervently hope that we, Muslims, will stand up with a solid, long term and educated plan to piece together our hand-made tarnished image and collect the remnants of dignity and civility, by putting ourselves out to the world in the best of fashion the East, West, North and South can taste, using a language all can understand........and that language would be humanity? The language endorsed and comprehended throughout the history of mankind, singed and sealed in all Holy Books and rational philosophies.