If you have a pedigree of sorts with regards to what you eat, that easily takes up a lot of your paycheck. Going to your accommodation, the condition of the place your company will provide is anybody's guess. Moving forward, if this is your first time to work overseas then that could be reason the company has given you that offer. At the end of day, I doubt you'll be able to save a lot from that offer of 2500/mo. irregardless of your home country since most of that will be spent in Qatar.
If you have a pedigree of sorts with regards to what you eat, that easily takes up a lot of your paycheck. Going to your accommodation, the condition of the place your company will provide is anybody's guess. Moving forward, if this is your first time to work overseas then that could be reason the company has given you that offer. At the end of day, I doubt you'll be able to save a lot from that offer of 2500/mo. irregardless of your home country since most of that will be spent in Qatar.