How long a cargo can be kept in Doha Airport?this is depending on your completeness of your documentation. If all docs required are ready the custom can clear your goods with no time and this is also depending with your cargo company do they have the money to pay the clearance on your behalf and etc.
Do they charge storing fees? If yes than any idea how many QR per day? storing fees will applicable if the custom decided you have something againts the rules and they need time to clear out your good. for the charges in QR per day I have no idea. Sorry.
Any other things I should know in same regard? I dont follow on this.
And if I send my DVD movies (all discreet movies) by air cargo. Would I face any challanges in clearing the shipment? better you left this kind of movie save back home. You really dont want to get trouble just for this silly movie. You can always use limewire and download any movie you want. just a thought.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
to answer to your questiones find bellow:
How long a cargo can be kept in Doha Airport? this is depending on your completeness of your documentation. If all docs required are ready the custom can clear your goods with no time and this is also depending with your cargo company do they have the money to pay the clearance on your behalf and etc.
Do they charge storing fees? If yes than any idea how many QR per day? storing fees will applicable if the custom decided you have something againts the rules and they need time to clear out your good. for the charges in QR per day I have no idea. Sorry.
Any other things I should know in same regard? I dont follow on this.
And if I send my DVD movies (all discreet movies) by air cargo. Would I face any challanges in clearing the shipment? better you left this kind of movie save back home. You really dont want to get trouble just for this silly movie. You can always use limewire and download any movie you want. just a thought.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.