If your company is 100% qatari company you have to submit the tax application request to Income tax department with out the help of a Auditing Firm, But if Your company is not a 100% Qatari Company (Qatari sponsor hold 100% Shares ) you have to submit the application only through an Auditing Firm

There is no speed process or under the table procedure. you will get the tax card within 10 days from the date of the application.

hope the above is clear

1) Tax Card Application Form duily filed and signed
2) Copy of Muncipal License
3) Memmorandum/articles/bilaw of the company
4) Copy if ID card of authorised person

If the company is not a 100% qatari owned company

5) Letter from Auditor

I did not re-check above given statemes as I am out of time

SO English lovers please excuse me for spelling or gramatical mistakes