Alhamdulillah we went for Umrah this past March. (2 adults, i was 9 months pregnant, and 3 kids 6,4,2) It was wonderful Alhamdulillah. we did not have GPS, just a very simple map and it was fine. thos we did get lost on the way back from Medina and almost ended up in Bahrain... Of course make sure your car is in your name. Have all your passport and marriage license if travelling with your family. Bring some snacks, water etc as there are long stretches with no rest areas. Camera, bc the various types of desert you see are beautifl mashAllah. extra pair of cheap sandals bc they easily get lost,or mized up outside the mosque when you go to pray so have extra ones in your car (this happenned to my husband and he had to walk bareffot back to the car in Mecca), if u are driving to Medina also i would recommend having someone read outloud the sirah on your trip bc you pass many historic places on the road from Mecca to Medina and it would benice to have fresh in your mind the significance of those places. May Allah accept your umrah n pls pray for us.
Alhamdulillah we went for Umrah this past March. (2 adults, i was 9 months pregnant, and 3 kids 6,4,2) It was wonderful Alhamdulillah. we did not have GPS, just a very simple map and it was fine. thos we did get lost on the way back from Medina and almost ended up in Bahrain... Of course make sure your car is in your name. Have all your passport and marriage license if travelling with your family. Bring some snacks, water etc as there are long stretches with no rest areas. Camera, bc the various types of desert you see are beautifl mashAllah. extra pair of cheap sandals bc they easily get lost,or mized up outside the mosque when you go to pray so have extra ones in your car (this happenned to my husband and he had to walk bareffot back to the car in Mecca), if u are driving to Medina also i would recommend having someone read outloud the sirah on your trip bc you pass many historic places on the road from Mecca to Medina and it would benice to have fresh in your mind the significance of those places. May Allah accept your umrah n pls pray for us.