Depends on your laptop brnad if it is yr laptop ;
HP,Acer,Toshiba -
Redington Qatar C ring road Doha , Qatar , Ph 974 4551608, Fax 974 4551537. email : [email protected]
if yr laptop is IBM, lenova - go to Qatar Computer Services, Near Mannai r/a, phone - 44441212
if yr laptop is Dell = go to Computer Arabia.
try in sofitel there are somany shops der
Depends on your laptop brnad if it is yr laptop ;
HP,Acer,Toshiba -
Redington Qatar C ring road Doha , Qatar , Ph 974 4551608, Fax 974 4551537.
email : [email protected]
if yr laptop is IBM, lenova - go to Qatar Computer Services, Near Mannai r/a, phone - 44441212
if yr laptop is Dell = go to Computer Arabia.
try in sofitel there are somany shops der