Hi Aunt Polly, here are the details:


1. Complete your documents, check the website    http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/reps/asia/vkwt/ref_visinf/viskwt.html


2. You will have to send your original passports thru DHL or Fedex (they know what to do) at:

Embassy of Switzerland in Kuwait
(also accredited in Qatar and Bahrain)
Qortuba, Block 2, Street 1, House No 122
P.O. Box 23954 Safat
13100 Kuwait

Tel. +965 534 01 72/73/74/75
Fax +965 534 01 76

Public opening hours
Sunday-Thursday 9:00-11:00
Visa section: Sunday-Thursday 9:00-11:00


(Kuwait have the same time as we have here in Qatar, so you can call and ask them for more of your questions ONLY on the times stated)


3. You pay a courier charge to Kuwait. Wait in 3-5 working days, it will arrive to you (either approved or denied) and you will again be charged depending if you are approved or not.


4. Enjoy the holidays in Switzerland. Its best to go there during the winters to see the snow-capped mountains and stuff. But summer is ok too.