Dear speed, Scarlet and well wisher
Today morning i visit with ROTA representative HBK Power cleaning camp , we spoke with General Manager and Project coordinator , they show the all what happened and where happened and fired aria + he brief us about looses i got these point from them
1. Every things under controlled its small challenge for them.
2. Only 7 cabins were damaged by fire and there were 80 workers rooms was damaged only rest of room under controlled( or ok as usual)
3. Workers are already shifted to the safe camp and working as usual.
4. Only few workers cloths and others items burn .they already give money , cloths and food free since fired.
5. Financial controller is calculating that how much looses by fire even they are keeping record who loosed money and ornaments also.not only that they will give money as worker clamed .
6. They will not accept any help or charity individuals and organization because i wrote before its sheikh’s company not ordinary business man’s company.
7. They are very upset with what happening outside that because of fire some peoples are collecting money ,cloths and food stuffs
8. Managements and worker’s both did not ask for any help.

I humble suggest you guys,
1. Do not distribute any donation or stuff unless managements or workers ask for help
2. If you really wants to help there is thousands of other workers seeking help ( low paid workers, long time not been paid salary, living in poor condition with out health care facility, not provided RP by company , waiting their sponsor in the Doha airport since 3 /4 days) lets say abandoned .
3. Be sure don’t do any thing which will be punishable for you and other well wisher by Qatar Labor law
4. Think twice doing anything before

Other information other more information send me PM.