A relative had her house robbed years ago, laptops taken, satelite boxes, many things when the family was all asleep upstairs, it also seemed through a window. With the inflation going nuts here I suspect their will be more robberies in the past it was mainly young boys searching for liquor but given the economy that has changed. The police usually fingerprint and they catch thieves that way. Don't take a taxi when travelling as they also know your house is empty. Good luck
A relative had her house robbed years ago, laptops taken, satelite boxes, many things when the family was all asleep upstairs, it also seemed through a window. With the inflation going nuts here I suspect their will be more robberies in the past it was mainly young boys searching for liquor but given the economy that has changed. The police usually fingerprint and they catch thieves that way. Don't take a taxi when travelling as they also know your house is empty. Good luck