hi chemangel,


first, dont post in tagalog on the main forum. Do so on the FilExpat group forum. If ever you're not yet a member, pls register.


second, im sure you are not the first person doing this, and it will take u tons of money to do such, not because of the cost of what you're selling but the bureacracy you will go thru. like the license to operate the business blah blah blah, the wasta, etc. and also you will need a qatari partner, i believe that is a requirement by the government.


third, the big names like DHL/Fedex etc, is not an importer's best friend. This has always been the expensive route, its because they are on the retail freight industry. You might want to talk to the local or medium sized freight or cargo companies. It is wholesale, and you are basically leasing a space inside a container van for Philippines-Qatar bound shipments.... im not an expert on that, but it is somehow like that.



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