There are a number of things which you will need to take into consideration when opening a company or branch in Qatar. I am talking from experience here as I have setup 3 companies over the last year (One in IT). Just to name a few:
Company name approval
COC certification
Company activities application
Municipality Licences
Computer card
Sponsorhship fees
Office rental
The above is only a very brief overview and does not include the legal documentation that comes with it.
As someone else mentioned here you will legally need a 51% Qatar sponsor but you can waive their rights to any profits by paying a monthly sponsorship fee.
From what I know you would be mistaken to try and setup this company alone as it may take you several months to get the company established not to mention the extra fees.
Contact me and I can guide you further: daniel/at/
I also know a number of trustworthy sponsors you can work with
Hi there.
There are a number of things which you will need to take into consideration when opening a company or branch in Qatar. I am talking from experience here as I have setup 3 companies over the last year (One in IT). Just to name a few:
Company name approval
COC certification
Company activities application
Municipality Licences
Computer card
Sponsorhship fees
Office rental
The above is only a very brief overview and does not include the legal documentation that comes with it.
As someone else mentioned here you will legally need a 51% Qatar sponsor but you can waive their rights to any profits by paying a monthly sponsorship fee.
From what I know you would be mistaken to try and setup this company alone as it may take you several months to get the company established not to mention the extra fees.
Contact me and I can guide you further: daniel/at/
I also know a number of trustworthy sponsors you can work with