swiss - just take a step back and look at all the positive things about yourself...and I mean ALL of them. Some of the things that you actually think are negatives are to other people, positives. Try and stop picking yourself apart because what you see ISN'T what others see. We are always hardest on ourselves.

Brandylady - yeah...I'm used to working out, I've always worked out, so now just stepping it up a bit. On the food issue, I have to stop eating at gatherings and work events. Dang, you folks can cook!!!

Ksa...I can say without reservation that those words came straight from my heart. Used to get upset over wrinkles or one or two pounds that creeped up on my behind while I wasn't looking..but, you know what?? Life is too short to worry about insignificant things like that. It should be enjoyed to the fullest and as long as you are healthy and your family is healthy and happy, then life is good.

Thanks to you all this I sit here with my tea typing to QL, y'all make me smile..

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)