these days to before they fully sit down and understand a situation. Bringing a case that has nothing to do with this country or the era that we live in is a moot point. As the situation was different the Africans were taken to america as slaves the groups concerned here are not bought as slaves but come of they're own free will. Most have access to clean water but still choose not to bath an a daily basis or use the toilets that are provided for them. I am sorry but it is hard for me to accept that you can't figure out how to use these facilities and that there is an acceptable way to behave when in public and this does not mean you can stare ( to the point were if you feel you stare at her long enough that her clothes will fall off) or follow a women in a public place just because she is by her self. You can not sit there and tell me that these people have not been told what to expect when they get here as most come because they get the job through a friend or relative. I am sorry as I know this has totally gone of topic but I am just sick to death of people crying racism when this has nothing really to do with racism, It is a business desicion and anybody out there that has there own business can not tell me that they would not make that same desicion.